Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 5 Steps to Be A Great Leader And A Visionary

    You will be taking care to set up your stage to be a great successful leader. With a great vision. There are many historically famous people as well as infamous people. In step 1, you must practice to be kind and compassionate. How?

  • Principles Over Personality: 7 Choices to Respond Not React

    The most important is the principle of “Principles Over Personality.” People grew up with a rather bad role models from our parents and teachers. Our leaders particularly political leaders provide a terrible role model…

  • 7 Tips To Improve Your Facebook Engagement

    Although people use to promote business on their personal page, Facebook is highly social and personal. In fact a majority of people just use Facebook for social network and used to promote business. These 7 Tips will improve your Facebook engagement using Facebook to promote your business.

  • Why You Should Learn From the Principles

    We’ve all heard, “Teach a man to fish; not give him food.” This is talking about teaching someone skills. Teaching the principles or learning from the principles is much more fundamental than about learning skills. The principles are the Universal principles or also known as the Natural Laws. These are set of governing behavior or…

  • Honor Your 9 To 5 Job: Have a Plan B Now

    Like what is good about your 9 to 5 job. Are you fortunate to have a job? Do you appreciate your job? Are you getting sick and tired of people with a superior attitude? You need to take a look at what your vision is for your future. Why should you set a Plan B…

  • 5 New Ways to Listen: A Road to Success

    5 New Ways to Listen: A Road to Success

    You don’t want to listen and want to resist when someone talks to you like that… One of the most important ingredients for your success in your personal and business life… to have a good rapport with people you work with…That is: To Learn To Listen… {Not to demand that people listen to you.} Listening…

  • 3 Key Steps to Become Goal Achiever from a Goal Setter

    To become a goal achiever, not just a goal setter. Here are 3 key steps in how to transform your goal into actually materializing, and making it to its physical equivalent.

  • 3Cs of Internet Marketing: 3 Ways to Overcome Challenges

    Create Traffic, Capture Leads and Convert to Sales. Without these 3 C’s there is no Internet Marketing.

  • Catch the Good in Front of You: New Online Business

    Samuel Johnson (Dr. Johnson) said, “To improve the golden moment of opportunity, and catch the good that is within our reach, is the great art of life.” It is important to understand why people miss opportunities when these chances are within their reach. They can change their ways of thinking and find a way to…

  • The Difference Between a Realistic Goal and a Big Goal Worthy of You

    Never Give up on Your Big Dream What is the difference between a realistic goal and a big goal worthy of you.  Often in the corporate world, you are discouraged making a big goal and told that your goal must be “realistic.” You are told to set up “a realistic goal that you can achieve.”…

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