Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Yoga Nadi Suddhi Pranayama: Let Go of Hatred and Resentment
Nadi Suddhi Pranayam is known as a Yogic Alternating Breathing Exercise. Pranayama means breathing exercises. Prana is the Universe’s energy. Yama is a practice of letting this energy in expanding and allowing the flow of the Universe’s Energy. It comes with the air, Chi or Ki-Energy of the Universe coming into you. In this section, I…
5 Reasons Why You Should Do Yoga: East and West Yoga
Yoga has many benefits. Doesn’t matter which school of Yoga you do. Participants will strengthen their ability to be positive in their thinking; to detach from and release their habitual thoughts; to enjoy relaxation during their busy daily activities; to have more efficient bodily functions; manage stress; reduce chronic physical discomforts; increase flexibility of the…
How to Make Sure You Are Doing Your Best And Others Are Doing Their Best
How do you know that the people around you are doing the best they can? Your loved ones; Colleagues; Team mates; Employees; Your friends. Are you frustrated that the people around you are not doing their best?
7 Steps to Begin a New Life: Og Mandino’s Motivational Quotes
Are you stuck? Do you ignore? Are you insensitized that you don’t think about this till you have to do the thing like going to your job? Have you been stuck in a situation for a long time? Using several quotes by Og Mandino who is the bestselling author of “The Greatest Salesman in the…
How to Balance Motherhood and Profession: 5 Easy Steps
Motherhood is eternal… we’ve been celebrating motherhood for centuries. But as a woman, young, mother or grandmother, have you struggled to balance your family, motherhood and profession? With the Internet Revolution, now women have an easier way…
Don’t Run Depleted: Improve Your Life
Don run so low…There is never lack of money. By changing your attitude about money and why you cannot start a new business, you can create a new way of looking at your situation.
Don’t Be An Enabler In Business Period: Treat Your Business Like a Business
Many beginners (entrepreneurs) and even those who have been in business for a long time, have such struggles and they are not understanding when to help or when not help. When is appropriate to help and not to help? How much and how much not to help?
Don’t Act Like a Foreigner: Step Into Your Power
Meet a few of the top extraordinary entrepreneurs who came to America and made a fortune. There are many interesting success stories of those who were born in another country and who came to America. Each of them has his or her own unique hardship. Make a decision to step into your power, the world…
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