Plan to Retire From Your 9 to 5 Job: A New Perspective On Work

Use Your 9 to 5  Job As A Stepping Stone to Your Freedom

A 9 to 5 Job doesn’t have to be so bad:

For a long time, I mean for decades, people have been feeling things can improve and be changed about 9 to 5 jobs.   It’s been talked about to improve 9-5 job situations. 

If you are working for a small company and your boss or employer is good, then probably it isn’t a rigid and structured working environment.   And probably it is more bearable than other places.   If you work near you and the hour are flexible, maybe having a 9 to 5 job is not  as difficult. 

Are you stuck in a 9 to 5 job still? 

But if you are working for a large corporation, you may feel you are one of those stuck in the Matrix like in the Movie.  

  • A large office
  • and lots of cubicles. 
  • Very impersonal. 
  • Managers on the corner offices by the windows. 
  • Lots of managers to report.  And commuting a long distance.
  • Your breakfast is stale coffee from vending machines that you pay for.
  • Pastries all wrapped up in cheap plastic wrappers sitting in vending machines for a while.

Long Time Efforts in Trying to Improve 9 to 5 Job Setups:

I personally remember since 1970’s people talking about ideas to improve 9 to 5 job setups.  There were tons of articles in newspapers and magazines then, too. 

  • Do you really need to go into work 5 days a week as big companies set up?
  • Do people need to be working in their company’s office?
  • Can you extend hours per day so that you come in only 3 days a week during the week?

Today many highly specialized and skills professional have achieved this type of arrangement.   They work from their home office; be connected via Internet and telephone with their managers and go into the company office twice or three times a week. 

But companies are economizing and using free lancers and independent contractors more and more. 

Take a Hard Look at the Reality of the Situation:

Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad and Poor Dad” really made this clear.  Why employees’ mentality never makes anyone rich. 

So long as you are depending on your employers and your company, you’ll never be financially free.
Besides you are trading your hours for a small profit that your work is bringing in. 

You are a person at the bottom of a totem pole of an earning structure.

So long as you are trading your precious hours for small dollars paid by your employer and especially a big company, you’ll never be free. 

You also should add in your commuting time as hours spent to make money.  Your expense also should include the business attires you wear and you need to show up at work. 

Extra day care or babysitting you need for child care.

You only get to take a vacation certain slot of time and not the time you really want to take off because everyone wants to take off  around the same time during holidays and kids school off time.

Not much has changed for decades.  Can you expect to have the companies and society to change in your favor?

Security of a 9 to 5 Job Doesn’t Really Exist:

Times are changing. 
Companies are increasingly hiring freelancers and independent contractors.  Thus, they can just pay per project base, eliminating unemployment taxes, benefits and needing less office space.  Employers are enjoying more fresh ideas and creative people engaging in their projects.

The US Census Bureau reported that 23 million people were self-employed in 2013 , up about 24% in a decade  from 2003.   According to a recent Elance survey, 53 million Americans or 34% of the US workforce make up the freelance economy.

This looks like more flexibility but you as a traditional 9 to 5 worker can lose your job just with one layoff, losing your entire income with a very short notice.  Your employers no longer have any sense of loyalty to you.

The Worst Nightmare Struck:

With the collapse of Lehman Brothers followed by  the Greta Recession of 2007-2009 was a horrific game changer to many people dreaming of comfortable retirement.   

Many tens of thousands of people lost their pension funds.  Many people lost their life time savings.

The tendency all over the developed nations, less and less youths are supporting a social security funding of an individual retiree.  For example in Japan, it the past it was 50 young people to one retiree… now that was reduced to 12 young people being burdened to support one older person in retirement. 

The system has been collapsing. Without playing politics and saying who is responsible; or blaming specific political parties, it is easy to see that we can no longer rely on the government to make people’s lives secure and sound economically.

So many things have been changing and so many things have to be restructured. 

Isn’t it about time you plan your own future?
And step in to you own path of time and money freedom?

What If You Have A 9 to 5 Job Now:

Even you don’t enjoy and you may hate your job, practice patience and gratitude.
Without getting “too spiritual” about this, you should realize that you are fortunate to have a job at this time.  So many people were downsized and cannot find any job after months of looking for something.

  • Before you become an entrepreneur, it will be a lot easier you if can manage to plan your escape well.
  • When you find a new opportunity, begin to work at your online business part time. 
  • Learn marketing skills
  • and get comfortable with technology. 
  • Begin to develop yourself as a person because your success is dependent on the kind of person you become. 
  • How much money you make is a function of the person you grow into. 
  • You will require some start ups funds.
  • You will require investing in your own education as an online marketer.

There are those who started at the bottom financially, rising from bankruptcy: 

  • But you are fortunate to be able to have a smoother beginning journey.
  • Keep your thoughts and emotions positive.
  • Become an architect of your own life.
  • Start to dream again.

There are many new opportunities available for you.  I have found a simple system that I’d like to recommend and share.

This is a simple system and used by real people like you and me.  Meet my friends from this community of Internet Marketers. 


Suggested Reading:

To Your Success and Abundant Life,

Yukiko Iino



2 responses to “Plan to Retire From Your 9 to 5 Job: A New Perspective On Work”

  1. Trishaly Avatar

    POWerful message of FREEDOM Yukiko YoU ROCK Thanks for sharing this Awe$ome video!

    1. Yukiko Iino Avatar
      Yukiko Iino

      Trishaly, we bloggers strive to communicate to our readers the message of freedom over and over again. Thank you for your kind words. Yukiko