Learn About Social Proof To Improve Marketing Online

What is Social Proof and Why Should You Use It in Your Marketing?

Have you been Struggling to improve your marketing online?

Utilizing Social Proof is what you may have been missing.

Social proof is more than just using testimonials by other people.

Social proof is more than just  a collection of testimonials about benefits of products people use.

Wikipedia stated:  

Social proof, also known as informational social influence, is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.”
It is a magical marketing strategy.  

People share their transformation in their lives because of a system or products they have been using.

When you share their stories of transformation, you are applying SOCIAL PROOF in your marketing.
So you want to have intimate knowledge of their results.

Do you have the permission of your team or a group of people you are working with to share their results publically?
On social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google, YouTube, etc.?

Most likely your answer is “No.”

It’s simple because unless you are surrounded by those who understand the power of Mastermind Group,
people believe they are competing against every one else.  
That includes your boss and your upline if you are in a network marketing company.

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You will see more use of social proof.

The application of Social Proof certainly benefits beginners who don’t have much results to show YET.
But in general people don’t want to keep hearing your success and stellar results from your own mouth. 
After a while you sound like an ego-driven person.

Yaro Starak in his “Live the Laptop Lifestyle” writes: The force that influences you every day when it comes to decision making, from the biggest decisions like where you want to live, down to the smaller every day choices like what to have for lunch, is called Social Proof.

Here are 5 Steps to effectively market using Social Proof:

1] Be connected to a community:
 You need to have a first hand knowledge of individual and personal information and results of the things you would like to promote.
You need their permission to use their results to promote your business.

2] Use a video testimonial: Once you have the person’s permission, you can get their video testimonial  to use on your social media sites.


3] Use a screen shot of results:  Photos and images of success or results from the person who use the product you are promoting.

4] Invitation to Team Hangout: You can invite your prospect to your team meeting to introduce him to the culture of your team.

 Invitation to webinars or webcast:  You can invite your prospect to a live webcast taught by your leaders or trainers, who have powerful influence over others. 

5] Attend reputable events:  hosted by well known teachers or trainers or you own company event:  You need to network other professionals and influencers in your profession. 

Please study this excellent example of Social Proof and learn from my videos, blogs and other information I send your way.To Your Success,
Yukiko Iino