Treat your network home business online like marriage not like dating. This is how to succeed in your network home business online.
I know it sounds weird.
When you want to succeed in your network marketing, Internet or any home based business, you must develop and exercise patience, commitment and faith. Only 3 % of marketers succeed and achieve their life goals. In some way this business may be a lot tougher than marriage. Who’s heard of making an exit strategy and what your commitment really looks like, right?
Doing Network Home Business online isn’t like dating. You casually get involved and break up. It’s more like getting married.
Any student of personal development and success principles (Napoleon Hill’s 13 Principles in “Think and Grow Rich”) should at least intellectually understand about having desires, faith, persistence and commitment.
In this video, I share with you a segment of our Mastermind Hangout. Behind me is an archive playing from Sunday. This segment will show so beautifully what I want to communicate with you about what success looks like. You see our Team leader, Jon O. and my team members.
Here are 5 weirdest steps:
They are called ‘weird’ and weirdest’ because most people don’t understand, believe or do these 5 things.
- Train yourself to fall in love right.
Is this something aligned with your core values?
Is this all about a sound model, people and system?
Can this be your vehicle to transport to your freedom?
- Have an Exit strategy or strategies.
- This is a new concept for many people. You don’t make emotional decisions.
I don’t mean to just quit, because things get tough
or you see another shiny opportunity after a few month, and then another… - You check it out, if it isn’t right, you follow your exit strategy.
Or You see that it’s right and it’s the right thing for you. - You decide and actually sign up. You go all in, body mind and soul.
Take your business seriously.
Invest in yourself, training and in your business.
What’s ‘ALL-IN’?
I’m sure every company has something like this but here I think is really different.
“All in” that Jon speaks of refers to the acquisition of all the chore (products) training series…
Which are in digital formats; audio library, videos and PDF manuscripts, weekly upgrade on some training.
These also are ‘profit maximizers’ and provides you with high ticket items that you can boost your Internet Network business from home.
You are cultivating and nurturing your faith. Believing in what is invisible now.
Commitment, persistence and faith will carry you day to day.
Jon spoke about going to big events:
Almost all companies in any industry have big events to promote themselves and their products.
And boost their employees moral. It’s often a way to celebrate their business and success.
A big event held once a year is probably not frequent enough.
Jon and his wife, Natasha went to every single event that his company hosted every three months.
Here are what his results like in a graph that I sketched out.{Jon’s income results shown here are not typical. See our Income disclaimer below.}
Not everyone who goes to these big events become successful.
But every single person who achieves their financial goals go to these Big Events.
Success is going through at least one big breakthrough and in real situations many breakthroughs.
A strong commitment and willingness to have a breakthrough mean to do whatever necessary to do those things.
Not having money or disbelief, inconvenient… no excuses.
After you decide to join, you make a full commitment and take daily actions and go to your company’s next big event.
Excuses and Self Justifications:
I don’t think it’s true you have to do all these things to succeed.
I don’t have the money.
I don’t have the time.
It’s just too expensive.
I don’t need mass hysteria.
These are just bunch of mindless followers anyway.
I don’t want of be associated with a bunch of losers.
I’d rather spend the money for advertising or where it really counts in developing my business.
I never believe that 3 day workshop and airplane ride and packing up in a small hotel room with a bunch of people will change my mind.
It’s just a hype about this big event thing.
Just a way for company to squeeze more money out of me.
Take a look how you are filled with doubts and skepticism and possibly lots of past bitterness and hurt. Successful people have let go of these naysayers.
Already Very Successful Entrepreneurs!
But look at Jon. He exhumes excitement, enthusiasms and self-confidence. He trusts his company. But he isn’t blinded by his willingness to commit. He is his own person.
And this in home based business, network marketing, online marketing, internet marketing… that is transformational.
Couples own their business, hardship and glory together.
Natasha is a stepping into being a leader as well.
She is an equal partner.
I haven’t seen this type of equality, sharing and coooperation anywhere.
Success… you cannot do it alone, being skeptical, doubting and trying to save a few bucks here and there. Be ready to be ‘ALL IN.’
Meet my friend, Jon and my community here and learn more about this System.
To Your Success,
8 responses to “How to Succeed in Network Home Business Online Part 2: 5 Weirdest Steps”
Great post Yukiko! 🙂
Thanks Jon, I did justice in portraying your leadership and all the rest that comes with that.
Very awesome Yukiko! I’m sharing this one. 🙂
Thanks, Denise. Don’t you agree that every entrepreneur needs a Mastermind like ours?
You (well, you and your leaders) hit the nail on the head! I think sometimes people try to force things instead of making solid decisions and selling out to them, then they minimize investing in themselves. Tsk, tsk. Thank you for sharing!
Hey, so glad you can relate to the topic discussed. I am certain you are very successful in your journey. Thank you for reading and sharing on my blog. Yukiko
Great post Yukiko! Amazing group you have there and a great message 🙂
Thank you, Mike. We are spreading an important message to people around the globe.