Spring Has Returned and Here Are 5 Steps to Rejuvenate from Your Financial Stress
Look at this cherry blossom tree. It’s finally spring time. All the flowers have been waiting for their time to open up. The Earth has the capability to rejuvenate. There is so much to learn from the Earth and Mother Nature. So much to learn and we need to tune into what we learn and apply to our life. Developing the right mindset. Spring has returned. The Earth has the power to rejuvenate. Difficulties, frozen state, financial stress. Here are 5 steps to rejuvenate your financial life.
These five steps will lift people up even if they’ve been stuck at the bottom. This is a combination of modern and ancient formula that have been used for centuries over and over again. By many sages. In the modern days, people who are successful and who are always mindful, they have not been on top at first but they rose on top. By applying these five simple steps.
You need to balance your life. There are areas of your life that should be in balance. Using the 5 Steps you will build a solid foundation to enjoy your life..
These 5 steps will reduce your stress. They will help you avoid getting more stress.
5 Steps to Rejuvenate:
[1] Finances:
People are at different levels of difficulties.
You may be in bankruptcy.
You may be just struggling to live from pay check to pay check.
{A} If you are struggling to pay your bills every month.
You must find a way to pay your bills so you are not operating at a bare bottom. Find a way to pay so that it is a little more relaxing for you. Even $20, $50 or $100 a month more. There are many opportunities around. If you can only open your mind, let go of your fear, skepticism or ego, there are small local jobs available as well as online opportunities.
First you should get a little more comfortable with your financial obligations.
{B} The following are specific suggestions to minimize your financial stress.
- Set up a Plan B.
- Know the amount of money you want.
- Set a Target date.
- What you will do to give up and do something extra.
- Means of achieving by planning out action steps.
- Write the above in the present tense a short paragraph (your plan to acquire money, amount of money, target date, your sacrifice and steps you will take) and recite this several times every day.
- Cultivate your faith in this Goal achieving process.
{B} Common Sense Approach.
- Find family members or friends or church organizations you can ask for assistance and support.
- Downsize and make up a tight budget till the financial hardship is over.
- Sell artwork, extra car, tools and jewelry, hold a garage sale and yard sale.
- Secure a safe and comfortable dwelling, be sure to have utilities, smart phone and Internet access.
- Secure enough money to pay for your necessary bills and expenses.
Flower and leaves fall off but the roots and trunk are intact. During the winter time, roots are protected deep in the soil from freezing.
[2] Relationships:
Keep your relationship with your loved ones in harmony.
Know that your friends and family are the most important assets you have.
- Honorer and respect your loved ones.
- Be kind to yourself. Be kind to your loved ones.
- Be patient. Be loving and nurturing.
- Keep communication channels open appropriately.
- Listen to what your loved ones are saying.
- Don’t always assert your authority.
- Don’t preach and try to teach a lesson.
- Do not take out anger and frustrations.
- Young children don not need full details.
- Do not try to win an argument.
Most people end up ruining their primary relationships in difficult times. This is one of the biggest mistakes people make.
With your family or friends’ love and understanding, you can overcome anything. You may come from a dysfunctional family background. If you haven’t a supportive family, you must adapt a new family and not rely on your blood related family for emotional and spiritual support.
If you carefully observe trees in a forest, no tree stands alone aloof. There are many trees that coexist.
Does it make sense to snip off all flowers and rip off fruits before their time?
[3] Physical Condition:
In times of hardship and stress, taking care of your physical body daily will allow you to relieve stress tension effectively. It is the perception in the mind, and stored and stagnant energy in the body that stress becomes dangerous to your mental and physical health. Your stress management skill will save you from your hardship.
{ A} Physical Exercise:
Strengthen and energize your physical body.
Continue to go to a gym if you still have a membership.
Running, jogging or taking a daily walk.
Stretch exercises or Yoga for 30 min. to one hour daily.
Get up and walk around if you are sitting for more than an hour.
{B} Relaxation & Rest:
A few rounds of deep breathing consciously every 10 to 20 minutes.
Keeping your schedule as regular as possible. Go to bed early and wake up early.
Get sufficient sleep.
{C}: Diet-Eat Well:
Do you need to cut down your food bill?
Cut out eating out. Cut out Take-out food. Cut out especially fast food.
Cut out processed, prepared and canned food.
Cut out sugar.
Cut out greasy fried food, French Fries, fried onion rings.
Cut out soda, artificial drinks.
Minimize alcoholic drinks.
Do you still smoke???
Cut out chemicalized food.
Drink mineralized or spring water.
Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.
Buy bulk food. Buy fresh veggies and fruits and choose the ones that offer less $$ per lb. This way you get more produce for your money. Use whole grains and beans.
A paleo diet is a very controversial topic and I am not going to discuss pros and cons in this blog. If you follow this diet and consume lots of animal proteins, you may want to reduce your meat intake.
Don’t wait to build your physical strength and learn to relax till you are completely physically exhausted and collapse.
Observe a gardener who tends to his garden with care and love. He does a set of preventative care and planned management with joy. You must keep your garden of your soul well tended.
[4] Schedule Your Actions Plans Night Before
& Have Daily Routine Schedule:
{A} Specific Tasks to Accomplish:
Make a list of 6 specific tasks you want to accomplish for the following day.
Stress comes from all sources. Regardless of your circumstance and how insane and tough your situation is, you must have consistent daily action plans that you are following.
When you have so much stress and tension, you tend to invite more emergency situations. Instead of panicking, over reacting and get disoriented, follow with your plan as much as possible.
Be a skillful pilot who can fly his airplane in the storm sky confidently.
Be an experienced captain of a ship, who takes charge and commands his shipmates and ship in the stormy sea.
When you develop skills and have confidence, stress has a far less chance to creep into your life and affairs.
{B} Daily Routine Schedule- Habit Forming Schedule:
Stephen R. Corvey’s “the 7 Habit of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change” for the past 25 years has transformed millions of people from all walks of life. The vital way to keep your life healthy is to have a routine daily schedule that support productive and beneficial habits. If you do not have one, create your daily routine by the end of today! And persistently follow your daily schedule.
I’ve heard many newbies say in order to succeed,
“I’ll do whatever it takes.”
You may be working a full time job and commute and have children. Allocate a number of hours you can spend realistically and create your new success habit forming schedule.
Even 10 minutes per day. Choose one thing. Then expand to 10 minutes twice a day.
Yukiko’s Daily Routine:My primary focus currently is training, mentoring and development of network marketing business online. Including my own body-mind personal development, spiritual practice and education I spend 8-9 hours per day. The actual number of hours I spend on business is about 4 hours.
- Prayer, meditation, affirmation, Heart Sutra recitation, Recite and visualize my purpose, vision and goals (minimum of 30 min.)
- Walk outside, Yoga and some Western style exercise (minimum one hour)
- Read pages from personal development or spiritual books. (minimum 30 min.)
- Blog and syndicate (one hour)
- Marketing & research Do Email campaign, Social media ads, solo ads, analyze stats. (2-3 hours)
- Network & connect with people in person or on phone (min. one hour)
- Vision Creation & Strategy reflection & Training (2 hours)
[5] Pray and Meditate:
Daily prayer and meditation have many benefits.
- You get guidance.
- You receive intuition.
- You receive God’s energy.
- You receive the Universal energy.
- You get the Universal intelligence.
- Spiritual intelligence.
- Be endowed with the spiritual energy.
You can name whatever it is this energy. This source of energy will strengthen your spiritual attitude of faith, gratitude, humility, reflection and contemplation.
References for Meditation:
{1} Learn to Meditate: Zen Yoga Breathing and Sitting Position Part 1
{2} Learn to Meditate: Zen Yoga Breathing with Trees (Part 2)
{3} Learn to Meditate in Your Car: Zen Yoga Breathing Part 3
{4} Daily Walking Meditation: Learn to Meditate Zen Yoga Style 201
{5} Learn to Meditate: Zen Yoga Candle Light Meditation Part 4
{6} Learn to Meditate: Zen Yoga Breathing and Fire Meditation
{7} 3 Simple Ways to Tap into Your Intuition
Even the weather gets so cold, the Sun’s energy pours down on the Planet Earth. Earth’s warmth and nutrients are continually supplied by the roots.
If you work on these 5 steps, my friend, things will begin to look up and your life will begin to improve.
You will gain clarity. You will understand exactly how to proceed. Opportunities will be coming to you and you will know how to pick and seize all these opportunities as they come your way.
You are unique as a human being. But your struggles and difficulties are not unique. There are many before you who have seized the Universe’s blessing and captured their moment of freedom.
Free Video Presentation will reveal how their lives have transformed. You are interested in finding out what they have tried and succeeded, check this platform thousands of people are using.