Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How to Be a Top Producer Part 2 of 10: Fix 3 Mistakes

    This is the beginning stage that is the hardest. Many entrepreneurs agree. Many people who have achieved hundreds of thousands and multiple millions of dollars agree that earning their first $10,000 or first $15,000 was very difficult. After that from $10,000 to $20,000 or to $30,000 is much easier.

  • How to Be a Top Producer-1:Online Home Business Success

    How can you become a top producer and how can you hit your target of 30 Day, 60 Day or 90 Day goal?

  • Don’t Be An Enabler In Business Period: Treat Your Business Like a Business

    Many beginners (entrepreneurs) and even those who have been in business for a long time, have such struggles and they are not understanding when to help or when not help. When is appropriate to help and not to help? How much and how much not to help?

  • Invest in Yourself To Succeed:”I Have No Money” Is No Excuse

    If You Keep Thinking, “I Have No Money to Start My Business,” You Will Not Succeed. As in starting a new business online or in network marketing, you are a business owner. Any new business requires initial investments for training, education and tools or materials.

  • Recovery Is A Miracle Everyone Might Need

    One of the most Powerful and Motivational Miracle Words is “Recovery.” You Might Need to Recover! Most people associate the word recovery with alcohol and drug addiction…Most people are recovering from something or would like to recover from their situation; or they are struggling in their relationship or in financial situations.

  • Don’t Act Like a Foreigner: Step Into Your Power

    Don’t Act Like a Foreigner: Step Into Your Power

    Meet a few of the top extraordinary entrepreneurs who came to America and made a fortune. There are many interesting success stories of those who were born in another country and who came to America. Each of them has his or her own unique hardship. Make a decision to step into your power, the world…

  • 7 Steps to Laser Focus and Aim: Target Marketing

    Most marketers are not laser focused on their target. Be really specific. A target market is a group of customers you choose to your marketing effort. You are selling or offering your service to this specific group. There is a misunderstanding that you have to keep a wide customer basis. A well-defined, narrowly focused group…

  • It’s OK That You Didn’t Create Your Own Organized Plan: Just Follow A Great One

    Having an organized plan is very important. It is one of the Core Success Principles. An organized plan or a series of strategies and steps that will take you from a point A to a point B. But you don’t have to have your own at first. Rebuild your dreams while you follow a great…

  • 7 Top Tips to Be Unstoppable: Beginners’ Guide 2

    To be unstoppable seems difficult til you understand simple tips… The first tip is about Support by a team of like-minded people: One way to overcome your past failure is to make sure you are supported by a group of people who are like-minded like you. Successful people always network within a group of like…

  • 5 Tips on How to Eliminate the Fear of Recruiting: Beginners’ Guide 1

    Selling is not easy even though almost all business have to sell one way or another. In a home based business such network marketing or internet , an entrepreneur must learn to recruit others into his business. That is another area of selling… you are selling…

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