Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 3 Key Steps to Become Goal Achiever from a Goal Setter

    To become a goal achiever, not just a goal setter. Here are 3 key steps in how to transform your goal into actually materializing, and making it to its physical equivalent.

  • 5 Stages of Forgiveness

           Do You Understand Why You Should Forgive?    Stage One: Being a victim: Stage Two: Seeing  Feeling of Anger and Resentment as a Weapon Stage Three:  Seeing It Is For Your Good to Forgive Other People                          Practicing of Forgiveness Stage…

  • How To Build Rapport on Social Media

    Have you been struggling to make your presence known on social media? Many people say they haven’t any business on social media. Have you been struggling? You need to build rapport first… Summary of this video: How to Make Your Presence Known on Social Media (1) Build Rapport (2) Gain Respect (3) Create Relevancy It’s…

  • 3 Top Aspects To Focus on Yourself

    Do you have difficulties in staying focused? Knowing these 3 aspects of how to focus on yourself will help to improve your problems in personal and business life. Watch the video and make a list of the things you do or don’t do in these 3 areas:  You are not selfish to focus on yourself.…

  • 5 Steps to Find Your Avatar

    5 Steps to Find Your Avatar

    Finding  Your Avatar Begins Knowing Yourself An avatar is something that embodies something else, is an icon you use to represent you on an Internet forum; or a persona or character in computer games… It is your ideal client or your target audience.  It is from Sanskrit and means a manifestation of a deity or released soul…

  • How to Come Up with an Epic Content for Your Video: Sharing Yukiko’s Notes

    You already have tons of resources and ideas! It’s like cashing your uncashed checks. There are many great tips and lessons all in on place. To Your Success, Yukiko Iino

  • Top Tips on How to Improve Your Imagination: Think And Grow Rich Revisited 6

    How to Improve Your Imagination Do you consider yourself imaginative? Do you feel you have great imagination? Many people are not so confident. They think, “Oh, I have no imagination.” What is imagination? Most people think of imagination an an ability to create some new ideas or action plans.  According to Napoleon Hill  in “Think and Grow…

  • Teach Principles to Give Value

    What do you need to do to give value? First you must know this. If you are only trying to get so much for what you give so that in essence you are thinking to get so much Probably you won’t be very good at giving value… because you are calculating in your head ……

  • True Value to You and Others

    True Value to You and Others

    What Are True Values For You and Others? Your Family’s Happiness? Having enough to live on? Your Status? Your Health? Robert Redford said: “I came to a place where I realized what true value was. It wasn’t money. Money is a means to achieving an end, but it’s not the end.” What does “true value” mean to you?…

  • How to Give Value to Others:Can People Rely On You? Value Series Part 1

    Jim Rohn said: “You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you give to the hour.” In your life, have you been struggling with trying to make things work better? And you just aren’t making it happen? And you would like to improve the quality of something. Either you give…

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