Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • $25 Grocery Challenge: 5 Big Realizations About Money

    I have to buy the things I need within $25 limit. Quinoa is about $6.99/ Lbs. (So I got millet only.) If I had a couple of hundred dollars on me, I would have felt just fine. It wasn’t so much about buying with cash but not having enough cash to buy the things I…

  • Healthy Diet to Beat the Dreadful Monday Blues Part 2

    In this blog article, I will explain how beating the Monday Blues and eating healthy diet are the same forces we need to break away from the system that keeps people confined and stuck. It is like seeing that you also live in the world of the Matrix. If a kid is acting out, you…

  • Is a Bridge a Metaphor for Life ? 11 Bridge Quotes

    George Washington Bridge a very important lifeline connecting Manhattan with New Jersey. One of the busiest commuting bridges in America. What would it be like not to have a big bridge like this? I am in a peaceful place by Hudson River looking over Manhattan. It is around 2:00 in the afternoon. More than 3…

  • 7 Tips to Beat Monday Blues: Turn into Success Opportunities – Part 1

    Really need to get tips to beat the Monday blues. It’s messing up so many people. But actually the Monday blues are the people’s opportunity to become successful. The Monday blues are the people’s success opportunities. It is so pervasive that it is a cultural phenomenon. Probably a global phenomenon in the modern society where…

  • 3 Best Ways to Use Gratitude Practice to Change Your Life

    Many people do make a daily gratitude list and challenge themselves to continue for 30 days or longer. Some write spiritual journals. These are great ways to develop your attitude of gratitude. Let’s go beyond our gratitude list or spiritual journal for the year 2015.

  • 5 Top Steps to Success in Business: Definite Decision Making Process

    Following these 5 Steps to Definite Decision Making Process, these three frogs go through the 5 steps of making definite decision, they become quite extraordinary… 

  • Daily Walking Meditation: Learn to Meditate Zen Yoga Style 201

    Daily Walking Meditation: Learn to Meditate Zen Yoga Style 201

    Walking meditation is often practiced by Buddhists between their sitting meditation sessions. Somehow this has come to be viewed as a kind of an intermission. Almost like a spiritual practice of a secondary importance. Walking meditation allows everyone and anyone to meditate. Even if you have lower back issues, knee issues or hop joint issues.

  • How to Succeed in Network Home Business Online Part 4: 7 Silent Killers of Success

    How to Succeed in Network Home Business Online Part 4: 7 Silent Killers of Success

    These silent killers can be classified into two groups; Human’s interaction with Internet devices and Purely Human factors, sabotaging personalities.

  • How to Succeed in Network Home Business Online: 7 Tips for Building Email List

    To build your list organically, begin to create and a blog post of great contents daily. Your lifestyle, something that reveals that you are the person people would like to be known for; fun things you do; something that you know well. Then for paid traffic, don’t overspend at first. There is a rule to…

  • 5 Keys to Successful Entrepreneur’s Mindset: Hershey’s Kisses

    Let’s talk about how entrepreneurs become successful. You’ve heard that if you keep doing what you love, you will succeed. Some people negate this and says it a B.S. Is it? The truth is that you must do what you love to succeed. And additionally you’d have to have few other key factors. Most people…

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