Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
One Simple Truth of Finding How to Serve Others: From Strength
I’ve been thinking about who I am. Do you know that what I like to do is top really give value and serve people. With what I know and what I am good at. (I think of this as my strength.) I am not as young as I look and I have lived my life…
7 Steps to Letting Go: Getting Unstuck in Financial Life
Bryant H. McGill says, “Abundance is a process of letting go; that which is empty can receive.” Technical skills and marketing skills are very important. These skills are available and can be learned. If most people remain lazy, ignorant and unwilling to learn, it is because their hearts and minds are holding onto things that…
Don’t Be Afraid Of Making Mistakes: 5 Learning From Mistakes Quotes
You make mistakes. That is part of life. A part of trying things and living. But the mistakes you make do not define who you are. What you are. What your capabilities are. The mistakes you make define nothing! The mistakes you make are not your labeler. They don’t determine who you are. If you…
The First Rule Of Personal Finance Basics: 10 Changes That Boost Your Finances
Daily Good Habits In order to create something that is useful and something that does wonders for you, you have to be in a habit of doing things. You can think of being disciplined. It’s not something you do some time but consistency is required.
Hang In There and Don’t Give Up; Secret Guide to Success
A broken piece of a tree branch is not dead but leaves grow on it. Learn from Nature and have faith and trust in yourself.
7 Types of Learning Styles to Succeed in Business and Life
Benjamin Franklin said, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” It’s been known for centuries that learning engages various senses. The eye, ear, word, hand and eye coordination, etc. The experts in the field of cognitive learning characterize into 3 learning styles; visual, auditory and kinesthetic. In…
17 Tips to Make Yourself Be Willing to Continuously Learn
Too many people are wishy-washy. They cannot reach important decisions promptly. It is extremely difficult to be willing to do anything when you don’t know your ground. All you do is doubt, hesitate and be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. Be willing to learn principle of the Universe, Natural Laws and practice to…
12 Ways in How to Be Unique and Authentic in Business and Life
Uniqueness is you expressing who you are from the bottom of your heart. Your authentic self. This is very different than putting yourself on a pedestal to be superior feeling “you are the only one.” and “No one else is good enough.”
How to Deal with Financial Stress: 5 Steps to Rejuvenate
Spring Has Returned and Here Are 5 Steps to Rejuvenate from Your Financial Stress. Observe a gardener who tends to his garden with care and love. He does a set of preventative care and planned management with joy. You must keep your garden of your soul well tended.
New Meaning of Motherhood 2015; 8 Top Motherhood Quotes
As rewarding as motherhood has been in the Western nations and other affluent countries around the world,, women became confined and stereo-typed into a role model of domestic nurturers. The men as a social class became threatened by them to participate intellectually outside of homes. Feminism allowed women to figure out a new meaning for…
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