2015 Top New Year’s Resolution for Making Money Online Part 2:
Get Rid of Your Excuses
A Happy New Year!
Get to the Bottom of Your Excuses in 2015:
Getting rid of your excuses of why you don’t have what you want or your why’s you just don’t know should be your 2015 Top New Year’s Resolutions. But examine carefully and get to the bottom reason
and find out your excuses. You may be hampered by your limiting beliefs also.
Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions?
We’ve already talked about 2015 Top New Year’s Resolution in my earlier blog.
Have you set Your 2015 goals? If not why not?
The Tolling Bell Ceremony at Midnight on New Year’s Eve:
{Click the image to turn off the video after the first strike.}
I want to introduce you to the tolling Bell Ceremony at Midnight on New Year’s Eve called 除夜の鐘 (joya no kane) as you see in the video below this is a giant bell weighing 74 Tons (162,800 lbs.) at Chion Temple in Kyoto, Japan. Like 74 tons of a giant bell need 16 monks to swing a wooden beam 108 times. This is a humongous bell struck … 108 bell chimes …deep low sound resonating representing all the human vices. This ceremony is done at every single temple throughout Japan. Even if you are not visiting well known temples, you can still hear Joya no Kane being at home.
Buddhist teachings list 108 vices and they are not like serious criminal, illegal acts. Many of them are negative attitudes, weak character traits that will keep in you the prison of your mind. If your behavior and actions are based on these ‘vices’ most likely you will not be a happy person and will not succeed in anything you do. So this ceremony is to remove 74 tons ((162,800 lbs. of ‘vices’ and move into the New Year.) Alas, it takes 16 monks carefully orchestrating their maneuvers!
What Are These 108 ‘Vices’?
I’ve listed all 108 “vices” taken from Robert Mufaro’s website below. Many of the vices are more like character weaknesses. Some are overlapping in their meaning. I agree with Mr. Mufaro that the original translation was probably inadequate.
abuse; aggression; ambition; anger; arrogance; baseness; blasphemy; calculation; callousness; capriciousness (unaccountable changes of mood or behavior); censoriousness (being severely critical of others); conceitedness; contempt; cruelty; cursing; debasement; deceit; deception; delusion; derision; desire for fame; dipsomania (alcoholism characterized by intermittent bouts of craving); discord; disrespect; disrespectfulness; dissatisfaction; dogmatism; dominance; eagerness for power; effrontery (insolent or impertinent behavior); egoism; enviousness; envy; excessiveness; faithlessness; falseness; furtiveness; gambling; garrulity (tediously talking about trivial matters); gluttony; greed; greed for money; grudge; hard-heartedness; hatred; haughtiness; high-handedness; hostility; humiliation; hurt; hypocrisy; ignorance; imperiousness (assuming power or authority without justification); imposture (pretending to be someone else in order to deceive); impudence; inattentiveness; indifference; ingratitude; insatiability; insidiousness; intolerance; intransigence (unwilling or refusing to change one’s views or to agree about something); irresponsibility; jealousy; know-it-all; lack of comprehension; lecherousness; lying; malignancy; manipulation; masochism; mercilessness; negativity; obsession; obstinacy; obstinacy; oppression; ostentatiousness; pessimism; prejudice; presumption; pretense; pride; prodigality(spending money or using resources freely and recklessly); quarrelsomeness; rage; rapacity (being aggressively greedy or grasping); ridicule; sadism; sarcasm; seducement; self-denial; self-hatred; sexual lust; shamelessness; stinginess; stubbornness; torment; tyranny; unkindness; unruliness; unyielding; vanity; vindictiveness; violence; violent temper; voluptuousness; wrath
For me it’s about excuses that I make consciously and subconsciously.
I personally list all my excuses that I am willing to overcome or discover to grow and be the person I strive to be. Many excuses we have are hidden behind our limiting beliefs.
(Admittedly what I am going to say sound like a big excuse. When I achieve my financial goal and have more time available to me, I will go into the Buddhist scriptures in Japanese and explore how more adequately I am able to translate… why not now? This is enormously time consuming… that is why I don’t professionally translate… excuses and excuses…right?)
95% of Entrepreneurs are Struggling:
Among entrepreneurs at least 95 % of the populations in this industry are still struggling.
There are THREE failing patterns:
(1) You truly don’t know exactly what to do.
What is stopping you from finding and trying out a good system?
What is stopping you from joining a community of people with their success stories in your industry?
What is stopping you from knowing what you want to follow, belong and do?
(Is your ego in the way?)
(Do you have faith in your ability?)
(Did you or someone you love had bad experiences?)
(2) You know what you are supposed to do but you just don’t seem to stick to what your
mentors or coaches tell you to do.
List all the things you know and write down why you don’t do these things.
(Do you luck faith? Pessimistic?)
(Would you rather remain blaming, being jealous, etc.?)
(3) You are just sick and tired of the same old financial struggles year after year.
What are your emotions?
Do you use your feelings to justify you situation?
(Do you know about your limiting beliefs about money, greed, and fair play in life?)
(Do you substitute your personal growth or spiritual understanding for financial sufficiency to support your family and yourself to live life fully?)
(Are you waiting for God or someone else to come and rescue you and make things financially right for you?)
Exercises for Your 2015 New Year’s Resolution to Get Rid of Your Excuses:
- The first step in creating meaningful New Year’s resolutions is to identify what you are lacking.
- (Go over 1,2 and 3 steps above and take notes.)
- Answer all of the questions.
- Then, create a game plan.
- (Summarize your game plan.)
- And cultivate and practice the attitude of persistence.
- Review this blog site on “New Meaning of Persistence: Root’s Ki-Energy
In general, many spiritual teachings are not very clear on the topic of financial and material wealth. They do not guide followers on the optic of financial abundance and welath. And the old spirituality may not guide you appropriately to begin to live your dream fully. Throughout the history of humankind, political structures and governments have set up policies to favor the rich and keep the poor rich.
It is important to work on your own blocks. At the same time, I believe people need to belong to a mastermind group to have breakthroughs in life. I believe that people need to lock arms with others who are like-minded to succeed in 2015. If you are interested in creating an additional income online, then follow a system (online) that is proven success.
To Your Abundant Life,