A Social Media Influencer Speaks About God to Inspire her followers to #BeMore
I just discovered Sandi Krakowski from one of my mentors. She is a big “influencer” on Social media.
She has over one million follower on Facebook.
“#BEMORE: 77 Secrets to Your Powerful Life” is a tiny book but very powerful.
Transcript of Video:
Sandi Karakowski is a big presence on Facebook. She teaches courses. She has many followers on Facebook.
#BEMMORE is a very simple book.
- You can just take a page.
- One topic.
- One line.
- And contemplate on it.
- Daily.
Sandi Krakowski has authority because of the Social Media.
It not like she wrote a huge, humongous book
but a very simple book.
I just want to share with you one thing from the book;
- Because you want to lift yourself up always.
- You want to have a constant source of affirmations.
- Inspiration!
- Encouragement!
To a precise point every single day.
She has 77 Secrets in this book.
Let’s pick on one for today’s discussion and inspiration:
“God Likes You.”
These ideas are so basic, yet we must be reminded of over and over again.
So I like to extend on a belief I have
“God does not punish you.”
I didn’t grow up with serious and rigorous following of Christianity or Catholicism, so my experience may be different form yours.
My background is Buddhism, Shintoism and then Yoga philosophy since my a young adulthood.
To do with nature…Mother Earth, the Universal Principles…
Here in the West particularly;
- Some people were taught about a FEARFUL GOD.
- God’s Wrath.
- That God will punish you.
These beliefs of the punishing God may be a good thing
to prevent people from committing hard criminal act
or doing bad things to hurt others.
{However, a belief in God does not seem to prevent fanatical people killing and injuring others.
This is another topic on another day. }
Many people have been negatively affected by the idea that
“God is punishing you.”
God is kind.
God is loving.
God nurtures you.
If you have been religious and have turned away from your religion, go into “Spirituality”
where “God of your understanding” is accepted and advocated.
There is a power beyond us, that the Universe gives us.
Whatever you believe, there are forces in the Universe…
There is a Benign Force in this world and in the Universe
Who supports you
Who honors you
and Who loves you.
End of Transcript
I love that a woman of such deep faith has so much influence on social media.
I love that over one million people follow her and regular people are serious about spirituality.
I love that we can talk about God openly without raising eyebrows on Social media. When we believe in loving and kind god, we can all live in harmony. Yukiko Iino
If you agree, click Like. Do you agree or disagree? Let me know your thoughts in the Comment Section below.
I believe that happiness is possible on a large scale. Each one must embrace and build on solid corner stones; health, spirituality, community and wealth.
There has to be a balance. I have discovered a community of like minded people who are building their personal wealth while sharing and supporting their members.
It is not a religious group. We have an amazing diversity of people and beliefs. We focus on personal development, training and marketing using this simple system/model online.
To Your Happiness and Success,
“#BEMORE: 77 Secrets to Your Powerful Life”