Principles Over Personality: 7 Choices to Respond Not React

How to respond to situations and to people instead of reacting?


How do you attain peace and calmness:

To keep yourself calm and peaceful in your personal and business life.

What is required is the most important principle.

(Everything is the most important principle, isn’t it.)
This one is the most important!
It’s the principle of “Principles Over Personality.”

Why most people suck at  practicing “principles over Personality”

Because you grow up and your parents are fighting.
Teachers are bickering and criticizing each other.
And squashing their students all the time.
Haven’t you experienced?

Look at our supposedly wonderful leaders who are leading our nation to its maximum, flourishing and affluent society.  but what do these politicians do instead?
They are killing each other.
Belittling each other.
Character assassinating.

So where do you learn growing up?

To respect principles.
To respect principles over personality.

It’s almost impossible to learn.

We don’t have any good examples and role models to follow.

This is why you must practice “Principles over personality.”

2 Types of “Principle Over Personality”

[1] On a Receiving End:

You are on a receiving end. 
You take everything said to you personally. 
Everything becomes about you and you think everyone is targeting at you and picking on you. 
Some one is talking to another person.  They are laughing and to you it sounds like they are snickering at you.  You immediately conclude they are talking about you. 

Some one made some decisions that indirectly do not favor you.  You immediately conclude you’ve been attacked, criticized. You feel no one loves you.  No one appreciates you.
It’s all about you being victimized and ignored.
You begin to blame others for all the things that happen to you. 
It is what’s on the inside. 
YOU will have to learn to love and respect yourself.

But when everything is so personal, you want all the great assuring feelings and good deeds to come to you from other people.
Since you are totally shutting yourself out,
you feel targeted negatively and attacked.

[2] You are giving and directing:

Often people character assassinate others…
When people don’t agree
or taking very different approach from each other;

What is the first piecing, harmful comments you can make?

You pick on people’s weaknesses

Or  pick on their defects or weaknesses… maybe they made a major blunder;
The things you don’t respect

Or the things you know the others would agree with you that these people aren’t really good at .

They you have a weapon like saying,
“Everyone thinks so.”
“Every one said so.”
“Everyone is talking about you.”
“I am not the only one.”
“Everyone knows you are not good at this.”
“I am not the only one.”

You may start to talk about these people’s physical condition.
“Everyone knows you are too fat.”

When you are not in alignment with “Principles over personality,”
You become intolerant and try to win at any cost seeing a very competitive and hostile situation.

7 Choices to Respond Not React:

 How can you learn to put principles over personality?

1] Practice open-mindedness
2] Learn to be kind and gentle
3] Learn not to attack people for what you think are their weaknesses
4] Learn not to attack people for what you don’t like about them.

5] Stick to the topic of conversation and discussion; stick to what is relevant

6] Only take what you like and learn to leave what you don’t like and your ill feelings aside.

7] Ultimately honor the people; knowing that everyone has something in them that you can appreciate

Learn to practice “Principle over personality.”

You’ll be shocked to realize how your relationships will start to work;. how you would produce ;and your business will far better.

Many of my friends work on their mindsets.  Using this simple system, they’ve achieved time and money freedom.


To Your Happiness and Abundant Life,

Yukiko Iino
