Why You Should Learn From the Principles

Learning from the Principles


What does “learning from the Principles” really mean?

We’ve all heard, “Teach a man to fish; not give him food.” 

This is talking about teaching someone skills.
Teaching the principles or learning from the principles is much more fundamental than about learning skills.

The principles are the Universal principles or also known as the Natural Laws.   These are set of governing behavior or rules that are the modus operandi of the Universe.  The Universal MO.
these are unchanging, ubiquitous functions that cannot be altered by humans. 

Why Should You Learn From the Principles?

You can learn lots of things from different examples.   
When you are just following examples, you will end up making lots of mistakes. 
You will be saying, “I don’t understand; show me more.”

You will eventually learn.
But small steps will teach you a concept and guiding principles.

Let’s take a look at an example:

People know they should focus on positive things.   Focus on the positive and not the negative.
And a disaster happens in life.    If you understand the Law of Polarity; the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Relativity, you will be able to shift your mindset and craft your strategy to handle more easily.

If you have been dealing with the positive and negative, basically your reference point is your emotions only.   In the Universal operation, after a bad thing happens something good happens.  This is the operational mode.  That’s just working with the Law of the Opposite or Polarity.

When you operate following the Laws of Nature or of the Universe, your relationship improves; and how you handle situations improves.  The laws of the universe… these are what drive the Success Principles.

These concepts may be difficult or abstract.  It’s just a matter of making commitments and studying them.

Wisdom is your perspective on life, your sense of balance, your understanding of how the various parts and principles apply and relate to each other. It embraces judgment, discernment, and comprehension. It is a gestalt or oneness, and integrated wholeness.
Stephen R. Covey


What are the Natural Laws:

Here are a brief summary of 7 basic Laws of Nature.   As things happen to your life, learn to view your events as governed by these laws.  For the next 30 to 90 days begin to identify how each of your challenges or upswings are parts of these laws. 

1] Law of Vibration

Law of vibration states that everything in the Universe is in constant motion.  On an atomic level, electrons are orbiting around the neutron.  All the molecules are vibrating in certain frequencies.  All the solids and objects familiar to us such as tables, chairs and shoes, clothes are always vibrating.  However, knowing so does not have much meaning applicable to improving our lives.  Before powerful microscopes were invented and molecular science was advanced, the ancient sages knew this truth that everything changed. 

The Law of change is a subset of Law of vibration.  How do you handle changes in your life?

2] Law of Cause and Effect

A relationship of Cause and Effect is probably the most familiar concept that we live by.  

However, we generally do not relate the causality to the Universal Law.  Cause the originating event or phenomena that are responsible for a result.  This result is called effect.   

We look at our results in our lives and we immediately know what the causes are for these results.
Who and what is responsible for a result you have?

3] Law of Germination

The Law of Germination is also known as the Law of Gender.  Most commonly cited aspects of this Law are that each seed has a specific incubation period. 

When we regard how long it should take for us to reach our goal or accomplishment, we should realize that we have to be patient because everything has its own timing.

4] Law of Rhythm

There is rhythm everywhere in time, in space and in motion.  There is rhythm in all living things and as well as minerals and rocks.  Places have their rhythms, too.    The development of human civilization, technology and also our changing lifestyles have all minimized our ability to sense the rhythm.

How can you tune into your own bio rhythm more?  And that of Mother Nature?

5] Law of Polarity

Based on our five senses, we definitely observe certain things to be opposite.  Based on our cognition, too, we keenly distinguish right and wrong; good and bad; profit and loss, etc.  

How can you use this law to unify and create harmony instead of polarizing and generating lots of intolerance and prejudice?

6] Law of Relativity

Relativity teaches us the connection between the different descriptions of one and the same reality.
Albert Einstein

We can learn to be open-minded and flexible. Are you involved in obsessive behavior and thinking patterns? 

7] Law of Transmutation of Radiant Energy

This law is also known as the Law of Perpetual Transmutation.  When we are applying this law to become successful or achieve our dreams, we consider energy manifesting into a physical form.  Napoleon Hill called this thought impulses changing into their physical equivalent.  Wallace D. Wattles referred this to a thinking stuff from which all things are made.  “This thinking stuff in its original state permeates, penetrates and fills the inter-spaces of the Universe.”
This law allows you to keep your dream alive.  Your wish becomes all consuming, burning desire.
Your goals manifest into monetary riches.

The most important aspect of life is that we live and have a great balance.  We study daily guided by great leaders, teachers and be supported by a community of like minded people.

I have been a teacher, guide and student of body-mind and spirit integration for many years.

As adults it is the responsibility of the people to focus on their financial life and take it much more seriously to achieve an abundant life and share with others.   In this Era of Internet Revolution, there are opportunities within our reach.  Yet, so many people remain in the prison of their own limiting beliefs.   

Many of my team members are using this simple system to create a balance in their lives.   As the result of their commitment to improve their lives, I believe they live more harmoniously with themselves, family, community and the Mother Nature. 

buttonTo Your Happiness and Abundant Life,