6 Shortcuts To Faith And Success
What is Faith?
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What faith mean to most people:
When Napoleon Hill talked about faith, it is very different from the way most people think about faith. Most people think of faith as “a belief beyond proof.” “a very strong belief beyond proof.” Something… that nothing can prove its existence.
People often say, “I believe in you.” To mean that they believe in the person’s ability, the person’s sincerity, person’s goodness or kindness. You say you have faith in that person.
You also say you have faith, meaning you believe in God, that you are a God’s child that God (he or she) protects you.
Faith as Seen by Napoleon Hill and use of autosuggestion:
When napoleon Hill talked about faith, faith is like a tool that can be used. It’s like a strong, potent, magical solution, ElIXIR that you cultivate and develop by autosuggestion. By affirmation, by telling to yourself affirmations over and over again to your subconscious mind; to tell what you believe in.
That which you want. Your desire. Thus you propel yourself to be the kind of a person you want to be.
Thoughts and Emotions:
Napoleon Hill recognized that thoughts had that emotional compartment. It is like the Japanese word “Kokoro” which actually is the feeling and deep thinking combined, mind-heart.
Faith, the “External Elixir”
(1) Faith is the only thing, said Napoleon Hill, is the starting point of accumulating wealth or riches in your life.
(2) Faith is the basis of all the miracles in life.
(3) Faith is the antidote of the failure in life.
(4) Faith is that agent that brings the ordinary human thoughts to the extraordinary and spiritual equivalent… something beyond the human thinking.
(5) Faith, the people cultivate in themselves, is the force that harnesses the cosmic force in themselves.
That is why things that seem unbelievable, achievable and impossible become possible.
Applied Faith and Success Follow-Up: Think and Grow Rich Revisited Part 3.2
5 Ways to Apply Faith:
You are in turmoil because you don’t have what you want and need. You have been struggling for some time.
It is a great chance now to check up on your ability to believe and have faith. There are four areas in your existence on this planet earth that you must develop faith, if you seek true success in your life.
[1] Do you believe that there is fundamental goodness and kindness in the Universe?
[2] Do you believe that the universe will hand to you a happy and abundant life and that you deserve to live a happy and abundant life?
[3] Do you believe in your ability to be open and willing to learn and in fact do you believe in your ability and power within you to attain anything you set your mind to, so long as you do not violate the rights of others?
[4] Do you believe in the Universal principles and the process of following these principles will create appropriate results?
[5] Do you believe that when you apply yourself with faith to the attainment of your life’s chief aim, you will be rewarded with success and that your success always embrace others’ happiness as well?
Napoleon Hill’s 6 Formula to build Self-confidence:
Step 1:
Practice and develop your faith. Faith in your ability to achieve the object of your definite purpose by taking steady action daily. Develop faith in your ability to be consistent and persistent.
How to Gain Self Confidence Step One
Step 2:
Focus and concentrate daily for 30 minutes on the person you intend to become.
Think and visualize what you are like, what you have and what you do when you are that person.
Step 3:
Use autosuggestion to speak about your desire to your subconscious for 10 minutes or more whenever possible. Develop your faith in this process that when you speak to yourself that the subconscious will manifest the physical equivalent of what you desire.
How to Gain Self-Confidence Step 2 and Income Goals as a Beginning Internet Marketer
Step 4:
Have a clearly written statement of your definite purpose and goals. Create a goal card or even several cards that you can carry with you at all times.
Step 5:
Have faith that success only happens as the result of your honest effort and cooperation with others. Develop faith that only integrity leads to success and you will believe in yourself and others.
Step 6:
Make a total commitment to following Steps 1 to 5, and develop faith in yourself, your ability and the process of all the Universal principles that work in the attainment of your definite purpose.
It is your time now. Declare your victory now.
These 6 steps are shortcuts to success as you develop your faith. The history of successful people who studied Napoleon Hill’s Principles prove this. While millions of people never reached their dreams in their life time.
Many of my friends continued to study personal development and success principles in a people-centered learning environment…while they are trained to apply to their home based business.
Many of my friends already achieving their financial goals by being mentored by 6 and 7 figure leaders; and helping others achieve their dreams, too.
To Your Success,