Are you afraid to recruit deep inside?
Selling is not easy even though almost all business have to sell one way or another. In a home based business such network marketing or internet , an entrepreneur must learn to recruit others into his business. That is another area of selling… you are selling a business opportunity and asking them to join you. Because most new marketers are afraid to approach others, they don’t have any downlines, and don’t have results, yet;. It shows that they aren’t “making it in their business.” As a result, they feel they cannot grow their business.
Most people want to join strong leaders:
It’s a fact that most people want to join strong leaders. If you are just a beginning marketer without much results, what do you do? When you approach your prospects; or even in your Email to your list; you show your worries and lack of self-confidence in the way you communicate.
New people shouldn’t join directly under strong leaders:
When you dig into the reality of recruiting, good things about this if you are involved in network marketing is that this is a proven fact…
Do you know that new people shouldn’t join with or sign up with a strong leader who has lots and lots of team members in his downline. Because this leader will not have enough time for the new person; and he will not be able to give care.
If new beginners join you, what happens is you have rich life experience. You have some time unlike your top leaders. You have lots of care and time to give. You can devote time to help these new people.
The new people need help with many little things on procedures, techie stuff or marketing tools. Your top leaders will not be able to help new people with extra special attention because they may have 50 people, 100 people; and the top leaders’ job isn’t to do micro management.
Top leaders inside of our community regularly teach and train all the members in our community. Live hangouts. Live webinars. All these are available online.
Don’t show your concern and not to be worried that you cannot get anyone to sign up under you because you just started your business.
You Have to Set an Example.
You have to set an example as a beginning person in network marketing or online marketing, you can recruit; you can teach and train extra. Whereas your top leaders are not able to give that kind of quality care.
Your new people will learn from you. You will guide your new people to set up the business system and train them and bring them into the community.
Your new people will learn to recruit. If they are rejecting you as not being a leader, how are they going to be able to recruit people into their team? Think about it. !
5 Tips to Eliminate the Fear of Recruiting:
Your mindset as a recruiter must change:
[1] Come from your rich resources. You have many types of life experiences.
[2] Know that you are providing lots of value to your new sign-ups because of your training and services.
[3] When people join under you, you are introducing them to the top leaders. That is an additional bonus.
[4] Do not project your lack of self confidence. Know that you are already ‘sufficient.”
Go through the training available to you and know how to recruit and build a team.
[5] When you develop more confidence and focus on serving your new comers, you will get different types of questions from them. You will also develop skills to not to answer their questions.
Change your mindset that makes you worry that they are going to doubt your competency and experience.
{A} How much have your made so far?
{B} How many people have you signed up?
The focus should not be on you ever.
[6] The less you explain, the more chance there is your prospects will sign up.
Hopefully you have been trained on this important success skill on selling.
The system that you use and are introducing to your prospect will do a far better jog explaining how it works. Your new person immediately upon joining will be able to send his prospect to this system, too.
Write down 1 to 2 minute script (for speaking and/or Email text) introducing yourself to your prospect using the tips #1 to #5.
The purpose of this exercise is to get you to speak being confident and project your self-confidence. Be able to speak to your prospect (write Emails to your list) why it is beneficial to join you.
The Importance of the system and the community:
I highly recommend this simple automated system that is used by a community of like-minded people, if you are looking for a smart and strategic way to do business online.