12 Ways in How to Be Unique and Authentic in Business and Life

Are You a Unique and Authentic Person?

What makes you unique  compared to everyone else?  As an adult discovering your authentic and uniqueness becomes very important.  This is how you earn your living and find a deep meaning instead of just getting a job. Let’s have a discussion about 12 Ways to be unique and authentic;  what makes you unique as a person.  

Being unique!  Such a cherished idea!  The word ‘unique’ comes from the Latin word, ‘unus’.  “E Pluribus unus” means “out of many – one.”    

In my opinion, popular notion of this word came to mean as if “you are the only one.”  or “that is the only one.”  I have to challenge this idea that you have to stand out and as to be wanted and needed.”  Just like in a situation of being in love.   This thinking invites competitors and competition.

This thinking of “uniqueness” goes against the Law of Relativity.  Instead of something being absolute, everything is relative.  There is no good and bad; very special and ordinary; dark and light; heavy and light; good and evil; right and wrong; black and white.

Today you are You. That is truer than true. There is no one alive; who is Youer than You.
Dr. Seuss

Uniqueness is you expressing who you are from the bottom of your heart.  Your authentic self.   This is very different than putting yourself on a pedestal to be superior feeling “you are the only one.”  and  “No one else is good enough.”

Each of us finds his unique vehicle for sharing with others his bit of wisdom.
Ram Dass (1931-)

The next quote reveals a  more complex thought process as to what your uniqueness and authenticity is applied to life. 

Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life. Every one must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated. Thus, everyone’s task is unique as his specific opportunity to implement it.
Victor Frankle (1905-1997)

In another word, it’s not just about how you look, or what your title or position is, or how much you own, but how you express yourself and what you do with your life.  In whatever field you choose, what is your message and what is your mission?  That when you become unique.

Uniqueness doesn’t happen.  Not by comparing yourself to others.  Not like you are better than other people.  Not like you are more proficient or more successful than other people. 

The more you like yourself
the less you are like anyone else
which makes you unique
Walt Disney

It’s about your relationship with yourself.
What you want to do.
How you want to express yourself.
How you want to relate to other people.
Being yourself.
That’s what makes you unique.

Instead, many of you look at other people.  And focus on what you are so jealous about and what you don’t have and try to copy in a hurry.  By distorting and changing other’s greatness.

So how should you live your life every day?

What should you be doing?

12 Ways to Be Unique and Authentic:

[1] Accept and your pain and difficulties:
Accepting is to become aware about things about yourself without negative emotions.
People tend to stuff, ignore and suppress painful experiences.  Just let them come out to your awareness.  Acceptance of the things, places, people, and situations in our current lives does not mean to succumb to some of those defeating, undesirable conditions with resignation and victimization. All these things do not make who you are today.

This stage of acceptance is often skipped in many personal development courses.  Acceptance is one of the critical factors in finding your authentic voice.

5 Keys to Success in Business and Life: Acceptance, Purpose, Vision and Goals
Critical Success Factors in Life: Acceptance, Purpose, Vision and Goal

[2] Embrace your weaknesses and vulnerability:

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.
Peter Marshall

You will embrace a new idea that what happens in your life is a lesson for you learn from.  Being stuck or continue to blame your circumstances will only keep your resentment, anger and suffering.  It’s because of imperfections of situations or your own weaknesses that you will be able to grow more fully and develop empathy for those who are unfortunate.

[3] Set aside 30 minutes to an hour to find out your purpose, vision and goals:

Find your truest thoughts, feeling and beliefs that you would like to cultivate in you.  Journal your thoughts and feelings of the day.  Obtain a special notebook and write one page at a set time daily for 30 days.  Let this be a stream of consciousness.  Those who journal report that writing begins to happen.  I believe you tap into your subconscious or unconscious part of you.

Your definite purpose is a spiritual road map; your deepest “Why’s” in your life.
This clarity will be the foundation of your authentic-self and you will be able to pick and choose your own unique vehicle. 

[4] Develop your self-confidence:

 The major stumbling block for many people is finding their definite purpose in life.  It is very difficult for many people!    Only a smaller percentage of people gain so much out of a course on Napoleon Hill’s self-confidence formula.

Finding your authentic self and uniqueness as adults is very important in your profession.  This is where your self-confidence is tested.  Without building self-confidence is like just trying to build a sand castle very close to the ocean waves, a temporary fun and play.

How to Gain Self-Confidence: Prerequisite 0999

How to Gain Self-Confidence Step 2 and Income Goals as a Beginning Internet Marketer 

 [5] Find a community of like-minded people to share your ideas: (Mastermind group)

You want to find people who have similar interest, vision and aspiration as you do.  You also want to find people who are action takers and positive, nurturing and kind.

[6] Meet regularly with your mastermind group and a mentor:

These meeting do not have to be done in person.  Webinars, telephone conferences, Goggle+ hangout or using other Internet tools are available today.  If you miss a live session, you should be able to view an archive session.

The power of the Mastermind goes beyond sharing of information, experiences and emotional support.

When two or more people coordinate ina spirit of HARMONY and work toward a definite objective, they place themselves in a position through a definite objective, they place themselves great UNIVERSAL storehouse of Infinite Intelligence.
Napoleon Hill

[7] Cultivate the right mindset:

Set 15- 30 minutes daily to read and listen to an audio library to develop yourself as a person and special skills needed for your business.  Your mind must be nurtured every day. 

[8] Practice persistence and courage:

Persistence is not just a mental phenomenon but a Spiritual Attitude.  Courage and persistence go hand in hand.

Most people learn from Personal Development to be persistent.  People have such limiting beliefs and they have bad habits of quitting many things in their lives.     

Carrying on things that are important in their lives persistently actually is a part of the Universe’s modus operandi.    People obstruct what is supposed to be working.  But if they follow mindfully, they will be persistently following the process of their effort. 

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan, “Press on!” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race
Calvin Coolidge

[9] Learn to forgive; be loving-kind to yourself and to others:

And learn to forgive things, places and situations of the past.  Yesterday is the past as well.   

An  excerpt from New Meaning of Serenity: Perspective for an Internet Marketer’s Success

Practice the attitudes of gratitude and forgiveness:

Just be open-minded.
Just be willing at first.
Practice being grateful of what you have.
Practice forgiveness… starting to forgive yourself first.

Focus on your strengths and unique qualities.

Practice is a very important idea and action.
You practice because you haven’t mastered at skill, yet.
Like playing football, tennis, surfing  and  any other sports.
Like playing musical instruments.
Like speaking a new language.
To get to how you feel is something you must practice…

[10] Create a daily schedule to practice all the 12 steps:  

The vital way to keep your life healthy is to have a routine daily schedule that support productive and beneficial habits.   If you do not have one, create your daily routine by the end of today!  And persistently follow your daily schedule.

Example of Yukiko’s Daily Routine:

My primary focus currently is training, mentoring and development of network marketing business online.  Including my own body-mind personal development, spiritual practice and education I spend 8-9 hours per day.    The actual number of hours I spend on business is about 4 hours.

  • Prayer, meditation, affirmation, Heart Sutra recitation, Recite and visualize my purpose, vision and goals (minimum of 30 min.)
  • Walk outside, Yoga and some Western style exercise (minimum one hour)
  • Read pages from personal development or spiritual books. (minimum 30 min.)
  • Blog and syndicate (one hour)
  • Marketing & research  Do Email campaign, Social media ads, solo ads,  analyze stats. (2-3 hours)
  • Network & connect with people in person or on phone (min. one hour)
  • Vision Creation & Strategy reflection & Training (2 hours)


How to Deal with Financial Stress: 5 Steps to Rejuvenate
[11]  Pray, and meditate and say affirmations:
Practice spiritual attitude of humility, gratitude and faith.
Meditation is really you awareness and mindfulness every minutes of the day as you gain more experience meditating; you will live in a “meditative state.”  However you can start 5 or 10 minutes of meditation daily.

There are many schools of meditation. 
For beginners,  breathing meditation is one of the easiest one to start with.

 [12] Re-access your core values and truest beliefs and take action true to what you believe in:

Always remember that discovering your authentic self and expressing your uniqueness is not a quick project.  Be kind to yourself.  Be patient with your progress.  Take a definitive and decisive action to start your journey one step at a time.  

Most likely as a mature adult, this notion of being unique and being authentic was prompted not only because you wanted to grow as a person but also you sought to have a meaningful and abundant life. 

I’ve began my  journey to discover who I am and also achieved time and money freedom.  If you are wanting to create a brand new chapter in your life and interested in improving your financial life; and grow as a person and a business leader, check out how I achieved this >>